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​With the rapid advancements in technology, the need for modernization of COBOL systems is more critical than ever.

COBOL: Navigating the Future of Legacy Systems with

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, COBOL- the Common Business-Oriented Language remains a monumental figure in the computing world. Initially developed in the late 1950s, COBOL revolutionized computing with its government and business applications. However, with the rapid advancements in technology, the need for modernization of COBOL systems is more critical than ever. Databases are the core to the functionality of COBOL and its underlying systems that support it. They were not designed for modern IT. The result is often difficult integrations and limited flexibility., offers innovative custom alternatives to replace outdated systems such as COBOL, that optimize and streamline data storage, retrieval, and manipulation, reducing the lines of code and enhancing overall system efficiency.

Engaging with offers businesses not just a modernization service, but a partnership that addresses the specific needs of organizations relying on COBOL. The journey from legacy systems to modernized platforms becomes a collaborative effort, combining expertise, innovation, and a commitment to excellence.

The Enduring Legacy of COBOL

COBOL’s rich history dates back to an era when computers were in their nascent stage. Designed for business-oriented applications, COBOL’s readability and robustness made it a preferred choice for financial institutions, government agencies, and large corporations. Today, COBOL still powers critical systems, managing substantial portions of global financial transactions and data processing tasks. Yet the difficulties of maintaining and integrating Cobol mainframes make the case for modernization more compelling every day.

We all know that technology changes rapidly, not only computer hardware and software, but also development techniques and requirements. Therefore, many companies are coming to the conclusion that a lot of COBOL code could benefit from a more modern approach. Why take the risk?

As an example of the reliability issue: Consider what happened in 2021 during the Covid outbreak when unemployment claims in New Jersey sky rocketed. The surge of claims overloaded the state’s COBOL-based unemployment system, resulting in the failure of processing many claims. This prompted Governor Murphy, during a press conference, to seek out COBOL knowledgeable engineers or programmers to help in the debugging and repairing of the system. Which brings us to another problem associated with the COBOL. Businesses are finding that there is a shortage of developers and programmers who are able to maintain this 60+ year legacy code.

Acknowledging this shortage, IBM announced that they would start offering courses for not only novices to learn the Structure of COBOL programs, Data types & Variable Handling, Intrinsic Functions, Branching logic and more, but also refresher training courses for older programmers. Although there is a community of COBOL programmers, the shortage of experienced COBOL programmers is acute. Where do you go when your business needs COBOL support? This is just another reason to consider finding a replacement to this deprecated system.


”Cobol Replacement


Challenges and Risks of Outdated COBOL Systems

While COBOL’s durability is commendable, legacy systems running on outdated COBOL code pose significant challenges. These include limited compatibility with new technologies, increased vulnerability to security threats, and escalating maintenance costs.

Any ubiquitous implemented technology such as COBOL that has been in use for a long time, should be reviewed for ways to improve and modernize it. One method is by refactoring, a process of improving the structure and quality of code without changing its functionality. It requires identifying and eliminating dead code by using tools such as compilers, analyzers, or debuggers, or in some cases, manually reviewing the code software in a controlled environment, checking the code step by step, analyzing the results and finding a solution to fix the issue. But having to debug programs and retesting is time consuming.

Some companies choose to convert the COBOL code to more modern programming languages, such as Python, Java, or Cobalt. But translating a procedural language such as COBOL, to an object-oriented language such as Python, Java, or Cobalt presents its own challenge.

Failure to upgrade your COBOL system could result in operational inefficiencies, data breaches, and the inability to meet contemporary business demands. To optimize your business’ applications, InterSoft Associates will help you overcome any resource gaps, complex dependencies, and outdated interfaces with custom software development and strategic consulting.

The Need for Modernization

Modernizing COBOL systems is not just about keeping pace with technology; it’s about transforming business operations to be more efficient, secure, and prepared for future advancements. Integration with modern systems enhances processing capabilities, strengthens security, and ensures longevity. Pioneering COBOL Modernization specializes in modernizing or replacing legacy software with innovative, custom solutions. A smart alternative to COBOL is custom software by InterSoft created specifically for your business. Our expertise in COBOL modernization addresses the unique challenges faced by organizations reliant on legacy systems. We provide comprehensive services that include improving processing times, enabling cloud migration, and ensuring compatibility with modern technologies.

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Improving and Optimizing Processing Time

One of the primary goals of modernization is to enhance processing efficiency. employs advanced techniques to optimize processing time, thereby improving overall system performance and response times. This optimization is crucial for businesses dealing with large volumes of data.

Facilitating Cloud Migration

Cloud technology has become a cornerstone of modern computing. Migrating COBOL systems to the cloud offers flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency. provides tailored solutions for a smooth transition of legacy systems to cloud platforms, ensuring minimal disruption to operations.

Enhancing Compatibility and Integration

Modernizing COBOL systems involves bridging the gap between old and new technologies. Ensuring compatibility and seamless integration is vital for operational continuity and leveraging the benefits of modern technological advancements. excels in creating solutions that merge legacy systems with cutting-edge technologies effectively.

Bolstering Security

Legacy systems often fall short in meeting current security standards, making them susceptible to cyber threats. Modernization with enhances security protocols, incorporating advanced safeguards to protect sensitive data and systems.

Fostering Innovation

The transition from outdated COBOL systems to modernized platforms opens avenues for innovation. plays a pivotal role in this transformation, enabling organizations to adopt new technologies and practices, fostering a culture of innovation and growth.

Cobol Modernization and Replacement


IntersoftAssociates: COBOL Modernization and Replacement

The journey to modernize COBOL systems is essential for any organization looking to thrive in the digital age. With the expertise of, businesses can navigate this transition smoothly, leveraging the strengths of COBOL while embracing the possibilities of modern technology. With the advancements of contemporary modern systems and innovative custom solutions, the future of COBOL is uncertain. In this context, the need to migrate becomes crucial in order to seamlessly transition from legacy systems to modern platforms. provides tailored solutions for application migration, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

We will provide the necessary resources, including skilled developers, tools, and support, to facilitate a smooth transition and ongoing maintenance to ensure the reliability of our custom replacement programming through rigorous testing, analysis, and troubleshooting.

The approach to COBOL modernization taken by is comprehensive, encompassing not only the technical aspects, but also the adaptation of COBOL programs and business systems to the ever-changing environment. This holistic approach ensures a successful modernization journey.

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