Tax Certiorari Software

Customized Tax Certiorari Software

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The Benefits of Customized Tax Certiorari Software


Real estate Tax certiorari is the legal process by which a property owner can challenge the real estate assessment on a given property to reduce its real estate taxes

Because many real estate developers, owners and managers may not be familiar with the intricacies of the tax certiorari process or may not have the time and resources to challenge their property assessment, property tax professionals are important when challenging the property value assessment for both residential and commercial properties. The benefit could be substantial savings for you, or for your client, through the lowering of real estate taxes, if the challenge is successful. 


Centiorari Tax Software Customized

Some of the reasons that people / companies choose to have Customized Tax Certiorari Software include:

  • Off the shelf Tax Certiorari software doesn’t completely fulfill all a business’s needs
  • Providing a more efficient process to manage all assessment notices & appeals.
  • Helping to save time and money over the long run
  • A better process to provide reviews and protest valuation differences.
  • Better software that can integrate across compliance, assessments and bills, and provide a more complete picture of all properties’ tax activity
  • The ability to display all property data and documents securely stored in one application
  • The capability to minimize employee time spent by automating tax bill payments, value trends, budgeting, and appeal management.

Customized property tax reduction software is the key to solving many of the challenges property tax professionals face today while providing them with a competitive advantage against their peers. With customized software, property tax professionals can easily and accurately review data for inaccuracies and inconsistencies. Customized Tax Certiorari Software should be an essential tool for property tax professionals who want to reduce their workload and improve their property tax management results and process.


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In addition, customized Property Tax Reduction Software makes it easier to analyze property tax data to provide accurate and timely reports for budgeting, forecasting, and other management needs.

Customized tax certiorari software should:

  • Help you save time, and money by automating the Tax Certiorari process.
  • Provide you with all of the information necessary to get the optimal assessment reduction for you and your client.
  • Be customized and scalable to fit your current and future specific needs and requirements.
  • Interface with your accounting software – such as QuickBooks.
  • Be used to manage multiple properties and tax certiorari cases over a period of many tax years.
  • Find errors in your property tax assessment to justify a reduction and to get a refund.
  • Track progress and deadlines, and to generate all necessary reports and documents – management, financial and analytic.
  • Effectively communicate with clients, attorneys and taxing authorities.
  • Prepare and file documents.
  • Allow you to customize all letters and forms
  • Facilitate the scheduling and tracking of hearings and conferences.
  • Track balances, payments and expenses for each matter.
  • Create and maintain a complete database of properties and tax cases.
  • Integrate a budgeting tool which captures historical tax information such as tax rates, assessments and effective capital expenditure (CapEx) to forecast estimated taxes
  • Populate all asset data on the state or local form including custom attachments on a one click form


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Custom Certiorari Tax Software

InterSoft has helped some of the largest Tax Certiorari firms in NY State.

If you are a property tax professional, looking for property tax reduction software for commercial real estate, contact us today. The InterSoft professionals will work with you to create a tailor-made solution that meets your specific needs


Our Customized Tax Certiorari Software:

  • Is an efficient process to manage all your assessment notice & appeal needs 
  • Is designed to help property tax teams manage this increasing volume of data in a more efficient and effective way. 
  • Meets the specific needs of each property tax team, and is designed to help manage data collection, analysis, and decision-making. 
  • Provides the tools for more accurate and timely budgets as well as accrual updates
  • Is equipped with the proper tools to help property tax teams share data within and between departments, as well as with third parties.
  • Automatically flags overvalued properties for protest
  • Provides accurate and unique decision making insight throughout the entire property tax cycle.
  • Makes your process more effective by keeping track of the status of every case you have.
  • Enables your practice to produce the necessary documents and analyses automatically and accurately.

Certiorari Tax Software

FACTS Regarding Property Tax Reduction Software:

  • In the United States, property taxes are levied by local governments and collected by local, county and state governments.
  • The amount of property tax owed is based on the assessed value of the property.
  • Property taxes are used to fund public services such as schools, police, and fire departments.
  • Some states have:

     –  laws that limit the amount of property tax that can be levied.

     –  have programs that allow seniors or disabled homeowners to defer their property taxes.

     – offer property tax exemptions for veterans or low-income homeowners.

    –  property tax relief programs for homeowners who have experienced a natural disaster.

  • Property taxes are typically paid in two installments, with the first installment due in the fall and the second due in the spring.
  • Homeowners who are unable to pay their property taxes may be subject to tax liens and foreclosure.


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Choosing Certiorari Tax Software


Customized Tax Certiorari Software can be used for:

  • Both residential and commercial properties.
  • Properties in any municipality in the United States.
  • Properties of any value.
  • Properties of any size: 
    • with any number of units.
    • with any type of tax assessment.
    • with any type of tax abatement.
    • with any type of tax exemption.
    • with any type of tax delinquency.
    • with any type of tax lien.


Certiorari Tax Software Customization


What are the key features to look for in Customized Tax Certiorari Software?

Property data import: Provide the ability to easily import property data from a variety of sources, including assessor websites, MLS listings property tax records, and 3rd party data sources.

Assessment analysis: Quick and accurate analysis of property assessments to identify potential overvaluations.

Assessment tools: Tax Certiorari software should provide tools for clients to enter their own financial data so that duplicative and, potentially erroneous, can be avoided.

Tax certiorari filings: Streamlining of the process of filing for tax certiorari relief, from preparing the necessary paperwork to submitting it to the court.

Customer management: Keep track of your clients, property portfolio, and tax certiorari case history.

Customer communication: Tax Certiorari software should allow you to create and customize letters to be sent to your clients.

Alerts: Provide alerts for missing or over-assessed value notices and tax bills

Tracking: The tracking of all appeal events, results, and costs using appeal management tools.

Financial: Proper Tax Certiorari software should be able to calculate expected refunds, invoice clients and the proper local government agencies, as well as keep track of money still owed.

The best tax certiorari software will be designed to save time and money while helping win more property tax reduction cases. 

Custom Certiorari Software Program

Additional key features that are important to consider include:

  • How much does the customized software cost?
  • Is the customized property tax reduction software easy to use?
  • Is the new software compatible with my existing property tax software?
  • How often is the software updated?
  • What is customer support like?
  • Would you recommend a customized software program to others?
  • Scalability – Can it support your business growth?
  • Security – Will it help to eliminate any security vulnerabilities that your current software may have.
  • Mobile device integration 
  • Flexibility and the ability to import and export data from a variety of sources, including other software programs, databases, and text files.
  • More control of your software and your business.
  • Working with a team with significant experience with customized tax certiorari software such as InterSoft Associates.

How to approach the process of acquiring customized tax certiorari software?

Solicit the aid of a professional firm that is knowledgeable creating customized tax certiorari software. 

That company should:

  • Discuss the overall vision / goals for a project by determining the important aspects, potential time frame, priorities, wants versus needs, key challenges.
  • Analyze the businesses existing tax certiorari software. Understand the current software and its deficiencies to make sure the customized software produces maximum business sense.
  • Analyze potential risks and how to mitigate them.
  • Document the plan of attack and then implement using the company’s own in-house resources and / or with outside assistance.
  • The testing process of the customized tax certiorari software should be planned and properly mapped out. 

This process will greatly mitigate any risks.

Call us now at (516) 374-8898 to set up a free consultation.


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