Software Support & Integrations

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Property Tax Reduction Software with Intersoft

Custom Property Tax Reduction Software For Commercial Real Estate

InterSoft Associates’ Scalable Solution for Commercial Property Tax Certiorari   In the...
Understanding CRM Integrations from InterSoft Associates

Understanding CRM Integrations: Using The Right Tool For The Job

The CRM, or Customer Relationship Manager, is an application that helps manage many marketing,...
Learn the importance of having a plan for your CRM from Intersoft Associates

Having a Plan for Your CRM

Your CRM, or Customer Relationship Manager, helps you manage all activity by a customer or...
Having a Plan for Your CRM

Having a Plan for Your CRM

Your CRM, or Customer Relationship Manager, helps you manage all activity by a customer or prospect including...

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Having a Plan for Your CRM

Your CRM, or Customer Relationship Manager, helps you manage all activity by a customer or prospect including marketing, pre-sales, and sales...

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